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Welcome! I’m Rachel.


I've worn many hats over the years, and I feel so much gratitude for the winding roads I took to get here - they have each taught me so much. I am a Birth and Postpartum doula, Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and educator, Registered Nurse, and a Mother of two amazing daughters who light me up inside.


 I have been passionate about supporting families through the sacred rites of passage that are pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding since becoming a doula in 2015. I am in awe and overcome with reverence every single time, from the very beginnings of labor to the delicate unfolding that is postpartum, lactation, and new parenthood.


Over the years, my desire to learn more and broaden my skillset took me to the East Coast where I became a Registered Nurse. I eventually made my way back to coastal California, where I cared for postpartum families and their newborns in the hospital setting, doing my best to nurture and honor them within the structured confines of the medical system. I ultimately made the decision to leave that system so I could more holistically, authentically, and ethically do this work that I'm called to. I have since returned to my doula routes, and added the IBCLC credential to my name. Bearing witness to all of life's greatest and most transformative transitions feels like a gift.

Every time.


Along the way, my partner and I had our own two babies. From a first birth experience that felt completely disempowering, to a life-changing and redemptive home birth VBAC that I fought tooth and nail for, I have experienced both ends of the complex and beautiful spectrum that is birth. Nothing before or since has ever been so transcendental, so expansive, so full of grief and joy, and so rife with reminders that most things in life are beyond our control. 


Personally and professionally I have come to embrace this state of unknowing - sometimes things go according to our vision, and sometimes we must adapt, lean on our people, and draw resilience from our deepest parts. In either case, I know how immensely beneficial a trusted and surefooted support team can be. Wherever you are on your own journey, my hope is that I can smooth the edges, keep you in touch with your intuitive wisdom, and support you wholeheartedly as you reclaim your rite to a sacred and empowered experience.



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